JBP Security LLC
Safety is our top priority
24 Hour Customer Service
Give us a call or send an email and we’ll respond promptly.
Office location
11200 Broadway Street, Suite 2743
Pearland, TX 77584
Open LIne of Communication
Why Your Company Should Choose JBP Security.
Our Mission is to strive for a better and effective security solution for our clients. Whether the security need is best addressed by utilizing highly trained law enforcement personnel or highly visible, unarmed and cost-efficient, Level 2 security officers we will develop and match the right security solution to assure a safe, secure environment. Whatever the situation or event.
Over 15 Years Experience
Sense of security
Customer Service
Ray Marshall
President / CEO
Contact Us Today

The presence of a security guard at a business can provide peace of mind and a sense of security to the business owner, employees and customers. Employees that work in high-risk areas are more productive and easier to retain when they don’t have to worry about personal safety. It also lets customers know that you are concerned about their safety and willing to take steps to insure it. This may be particularly important for businesses that deal in very high-end merchandise or are located in high-crime areas.
Simply having a security guard present is a great deterrent to crime, Thieves will think twice about targeting a business that has uniformed protection. Professional guards are trained to look for suspicious activity on the spot. They can assess a situation and react to security breaches. A guard is a greater visual deterrent than just camera surveillance or a standard security system. It sends a message to potential criminals that you are serious about the security of your business.
Security guards can also be customer service ambassadors. A guard may man a front desk or act as a sentry to control access to an area. This can mean that there is a substantial amount of interaction with customers and clients. Guards may be able to help direct people to find products and get to the right location in a business. Guard can also be available as escorts for customers and employees to get to their cars after dark. Hiring personable and capable guards lets you communicate that your business is secure and customer-oriented.
We provide an open line of communication 24/7. Get in touch with us today.
We’ll Watch Your BAck.
24 Hour Customer Service
Our uniformed security officers are outfitted with law enforcement-style uniforms. Our corporate general orders, require that our personnel keep their uniforms pressed and clean at all times. Their shoes are polished; military-style and men are clean-shaven with neat haircuts. Our female officers are held to the same standard. We pride ourselves on the appearance of our personnel, as they are representing our agency in your facilities.
Our Commitment
JBP SECURITY maintains insurance that is five times the minimum aggregate coverage obtained by most of our competitors. JBP SECURITY recommends that in order to protect our assets as well as yours, we must maintain financial security in full force and effect at a level that far exceeds industry standard .